Styliste freelance Paris


Creative direction & fashion design consulting

Styliste freelance paris

Based in Paris, Daussy Design Studio helps you develop your brand creatively and strategically. Creative direction, fashion design, market analysis, we take care of the creative side of your business to ensure that your offer is as high-quality and relevant as possible.

We analyse your DNA, consumer trends and the latest social developments, to create a contemporary offer that reflects your values.

In doing so, we also look at your production capacities and the internal workings of your company, to optimise your operations and improve your processes and products.


Stylisme freelance à Paris

Direction artistique et dessin de collections freelance

Creative direction & fashion design consulting

We take care of all your design needs. Creation of your collections (design of styles & development of the tech packs) and supervision of the visual aspects of your company (shoots, social networks, website, points of sale...)

Nos expertises variées nous permettent d’intervenir sur de nombreux segments du monde de la mode (prêt à porter masculin & féminin allant du luxe au moyen de gamme, chaine & trame, maille, cuir, accessoires…) sur un large éventail de styles (couture, sartorial, vintage, sportswear…)

Fashion design emergencies

Unexpected problems do happen. Did you need a collection for yesterday?

We're here to help. We'll work day and night to get you back on track. We can create your collection in two to four weeks, depending on the number of products (model design & development of technical data sheets).

styliste urgence Paris
creation de cahiers de tendances

Trendsetting & market analysis

17th century french poet Nicolas Boileau wrote: "Whatever is well conceived is clearly said, and the words to say it flow with ease."

This also applies to the design of your collections.

We create bespoke trend books to help you identify the specific challenges facing your brand among other market players, and we define your long-term strategic development priorities.

Graphic design

We are at your disposal to meet your needs. From the design of your logo & brand style guide, to packaging and definition of branding elements for your products.

Branding, packaging, graphisme, pour marques de mode
realisation de prototypes et patrons pret a porter

Pattern drafting

A beautiful collection would be nothing if the cuts weren't made with subtlety. We believe that good pattern-making is essential. If you don't have the qualified staff, we can take care of shaping your prototypes and creating their patterns.

Photography & content creation

A good visual promotion is as essential as having a nice collection.

We take care of supervising and organising your campaigns, lookbooks, packshots and communication mediums.

creation de contenu pour marques de pret a porter


A few examples of projets we had the pleasure to design.


Styliste freelance Paris, directeur artistique

A born creative and entrepreneur at heart, I started my first business venture at the age of 15. Since then, I've devoted myself to perfecting my knowledge and skills.

Spending my life creating, fashion and art have always been a calling for me. What I love most about being a designer is the opportunity to create worlds by crafting collections that tell stories and reflect lifestyles.

Our mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to help you develop your brand and create a universe which reflects your values.


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